BUILD: Quality Assessments

School Program

A focus on meaningful, rigorous assessment can increase student engagement and skill development, improve assessment literacy skills and alignment among faculty, and generate more meaningful, useful student data.

You're ready to modernize assessment.
We're here to help.

Let's make the shift from assessment as high-stress, one-and-done events, to assessment that is a meaningful and creative learning process. The result? A system of authentic, rigorous assessments that showcase students' portfolio of learning–their knowledge, skills, and measurable growth–while laying the groundwork for flexible advancement.

Does any of this resonate with where you currently are?

*It's a very mixed bag: Assessment quality is, frankly, all over the place

*Our faculty have differing beliefs and ideas about the purpose of assessment

*We lack consistent criteria and a shared understanding of "quality," "rigor," and "relevance"

*We could really benefit from clear guidance, actionable tools, and tailored support for creating and using high quality assessments to support deep and meaningful learning

If yes, do these program outcomes resonate with you, too?

1. CLARITY: Our faculty demonstrate shared language, understanding, and criteria for high quality assessment, and why it matters

2. VISIBLE GROWTH: Our faculty demonstrate an ability to apply evidence-based tools & methods to effectively design quality assessments, and to keep improving

3. EFFICACY: Our faculty can articulate new insights and improved clarity and confidence in their assessment practice

Yes? Then let's get started.

BUILD Program Elements:

Core supports:

  • Monthly leadership technical support
  • Implementation toolkit
  • PD workshop series
  • On-demand teacher support
  • Progress monitoring & reporting

Add-on supports:

Launch elements, plus:
  • Small group instructional coaching
  • Individual teacher feedback cycles
  • Quarterly visits for instructional walkthroughs

School Leader Resources

Quality Performance Assessment: Key Features

This one-pager describes the four key features of a quality performance assessment or performance task, as well as a "big ideas" checklist for teachers or curriculum designers.

A memorable framework for quality features, the "4-A" framework for quality performance assessments was created to help clarify the essential design principles for assessments that align to institutional commitments (e.g., future-ready learning goals), ensure access for every learner, and engage learners in authentic, deep learning experiences that culminate in meaningful work products.


CBL Partners is here to provide the clarity, expertise, and tailored support to help you lead change with confidence and success as you modernize your learning system.
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Aerial photograph of five people sitting out a round table working together on a plan to implement competency-based learning during a workshop.
Ready to modernize your assessment system? Let's build meaningful, rigorous assessments that showcase students' "portfolio" of knowledge, skills, and measurable growth–while laying the groundwork for flexible advancement.
Performance Assessment Program | CBL Partners Media. Image shows four teenage students sitting at a round table
Ready to bring your Graduate Profile to life? Through this unique pilot program, you'll access the reporting system, educator training, and implementation support you need to deliver a customized Graduate Profile Progress Report that provides clear, meaningful progress data to students and families.
Photograph of a group of students smiling and sitting together in a circle while a teacher, not clearly shown, is reading a book, in a competency-based learning environment.
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CBL Partners Media - Grading and Reporting.
CBL Partners specializes in competency-based learning solutions, powering equity and excellence in K-12 education and beyond.

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