UPGRADE: Equitable Grading & Reporting

School Program

Traditional grades are a poor proxy for learning, and yet they are deeply engrained in education systems all over the world. This program will guide your team in reimagining grading and reporting practices to ensure they are equitable, human-centered, and research-informed.

You're ready to modernize your grading systems.
We're here to help.

Are you ready to flip the script of industrial-era inspired grading policies and practices? Let's transform your school's approach with human-centered, evidence-based policies and practices that promote growth mindset, student agency, and equity.

Does any of this resonate with where you currently are?

*Grading policies and practices vary a lot–it's a bit of a mixed bag

*Our faculty have differing beliefs and ideas about grades and grading

*We lack consistent criteria for fair and equitable grading policies and practices

*We could really benefit from clear guidance, actionable tools, and tailored support for improving and aligning our approach to grades and reporting progress

If yes, do these program outcomes resonate with you, too?

1. CLARITY: Our faculty demonstrate shared language, understanding, and criteria for grading policies and practices, and why they matters

2. VISIBLE GROWTH: Our faculty demonstrate an ability to apply evidence-based tools & methods to effectively implement equitable grading practices

3. EFFICACY: Our faculty can articulate new insights and improved clarity and confidence in their approach to grading and reporting progress that ultimately impact the student experience in significant ways

Yes? Then let's get started.

UPGRADE Program Elements:

Core support services:

  • Monthly leadership technical support
  • Implementation toolkit
  • PD workshop series
  • On-demand teacher support
  • Progress monitoring & reporting

Add-on supports:

Launch elements, plus:
  • Small group instructional coaching
  • Individual teacher feedback cycles
  • Quarterly visits for instructional walkthroughs


CBL Partners is here to provide the clarity, expertise, and tailored support to help you lead change with confidence and success as you modernize your learning system.
Ready to modernize your learning outcomes? Let's bring together the best of standards, competencies, and the research on learning to build a coherent, student-friendly learning outcomes framework for your school.
Aerial photograph of five people sitting out a round table working together on a plan to implement competency-based learning during a workshop.
Ready to modernize your assessment system? Let's build meaningful, rigorous assessments that showcase students' "portfolio" of knowledge, skills, and measurable growth–while laying the groundwork for flexible advancement.
Performance Assessment Program | CBL Partners Media. Image shows four teenage students sitting at a round table
Ready to bring your Graduate Profile to life? Through this unique pilot program, you'll access the reporting system, educator training, and implementation support you need to deliver a customized Graduate Profile Progress Report that provides clear, meaningful progress data to students and families.
Photograph of a group of students smiling and sitting together in a circle while a teacher, not clearly shown, is reading a book, in a competency-based learning environment.
Ready to flip the script of industrial-era grading policies? Let's transform your school's approach with human-centered, evidence-based policies and practices that promote growth mindset, student agency, and equity.
CBL Partners Media - Grading and Reporting.



If I were starting a competency-based school or program, Sydney Schaef is the first person I would call.

I will never forget traveling throughout Idaho to visit schools several years ago after the state launched their new Mastery Learning initiative. I couldn't believe the depth of conversations we were having, and I couldn't believe the acceleration of their design and implementation efforts. When I asked, "Where did you learn this?" Everyone I spoke to replied the same: "Sydney!"

I've watched her work over the years–from early startup in Philadelphia alongside Building 21, to providing leadership TA for school leaders and state leaders alike while at reDesign. She has real expertise and knows what it's like to be shoulder-to-shoulder in the work.

Chris Sturgis
Co-founder, CompetencyWorks

Sydney is a trusted and respected partner for developing graduate profile competencies.

Her deep insights into personalized, competency based learning and strong research background ensure that every element is tailored to the specific needs of the partner organization.

Additionally, Sydney couples her technical expertise with a commitment to incorporating student and teacher voice in the design of robust resources to ensure a learner-centered approach to professional development.

Stephanie DiStasio
South Carolina Department of Education

Sydney made all the difference for our faculty as we opened our competency-based high school. 

Sydney has an extraordinary ability to connect with teachers from diverse backgrounds and specialties. Sydney brought a wealth of knowledge, drawn from her background and research. But more than that, she brought her full self to every workshop – whether online or in person. She listened deeply, and scaffolded training to suite our distinct school culture and vision.

Sydney’s charisma, brilliance, and unwavering commitment to equity and student agency shone through in every interaction. She is detail-oriented and an amazing multitasker. She continually updated our documents and slide decks in real time, refining and reflecting our ideas back to us with precision and clarity.

Sydney has been a sincere partner with us in our journey to CBE. She aligned with our values and we are all the better for the opportunity to work with her.

Michael Prater
Director of HS Education, Tessellations

We can't wait to hear from you.

Send us a message to learn more about our competency-based learning services and programs, or just to say hello! We'll be in touch shortly. Thank you for reaching out!
CBL Partners specializes in competency-based learning solutions, powering equity and excellence in K-12 education and beyond.

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